
How to Use Microsoft Edge on Windows Computers

We always welcome innovations, especially when they come to replace something obsolete and less efficient, as it was with Microsoft Edge. As soon as Microsoft announced their decision to come up with a new,...

How To Keep Your Online Activity Private

Everyone wants their online activities private. It is vital to make your online activity private. However, asides from hackers, some big tech companies and advertising companies can access your online activity. It leaves one...

How Technology Has Changed Digital Currency Trading

It is impossible to imagine the world of cryptocurrency trading without the use of technology. Digital currencies rely on technology to exist and gain value through mining and trading. While digital currencies and technology...

Irish Gamers: A guide to enhance your casino game

The technological revolution has changed the way we do almost everything, from grocery shopping to international finance. One of the most notable things that have changed is the way that we access and engage...

Amazing Women in Tech for 2018

Over the course of a few decades, women have made amazing strides in the tech industry. Some women have truly changed the field and will continue to do incredible work for years to come....

How Gaming Has Become More Inclusive For Females

The umbrella term of ‘gaming’ encompasses everything from Candy Crush on your mobile and online bingo to classic console gaming and everything in between. In 2018 there were a reported 1.82 billion video...

Top Tips to Digitize Your Old DVD Collection

Do you remember the times when we recorded TV shows and movies, birthdays of our pets, and championship finals? How great it was to listen to our favorite songs or watch memorable events over...

5​ Practical Tips to Keeping Your Data More Secure Online

In recent times, it is common to hear about cybersecurity breaches. There has been news about a hacking group known as Shiny hunters. The group is selling user records in 11 companies. The affected...

Want to Save Some Money? Play Some Free Browser Games!

Wіth mаnу console games costing hundreds оf dollars аnd game titles usually starting аt $ 40-80, a gооd alternative іѕ tо play аnу оf thousands оf free online games. Yоu саn gіvе uр thе...

Generating leads with Google AdWords management services

With the advancement in technology, several ways and tactics have been designed to generate traffic to your website. The use of Google Ads aims to attract potential buyers to your site through targeted marketing. The...