Kids & Teens

5 Problems to Be on the Lookout for When You Have a Teenager

Babies bawl. Toddlers have tantrums. Kids cry over going back to school and refuse to do their homework. Every stage of your child’s life comes with its own set of challenges. But no life...

Are UK kids TV characters sexist?

The first ever series of the kids TV show Thomas and Friends hit our screens in September 1984. This show was filled with starry eyed young teen trains such as the loveable Thomas, Gordon...

Scary Beauty Pageants Kids

Most little girls get into their mother’s makeup at some point and try on lipstick, mascara and eye shadow. Usually they slather it on in roughly the right places and end up looking a...

Royalty In Lego

Friday, April 29th 2011. The monarchy of the UK welcomed its newest member: Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, a 29 year old graduate of St Andrew’s University and long term girlfriend of Prince...

Fun Crafts for Kids: How to Make a Lizard out of Pony Beads

It’s a rainy afternoon and the kids can’t go outside to play. Whatever are you to do? That’s what this series of articles is all about – fun craft ideas you can make with...

20 Fictional Sports/Games that Should have been in the Olympics

The Olympics only comes round once every four years for a two-week period and, every time, you hear people complaining of how it disrupts the television schedules and generally impacts on their regular calendar....
Trampolining, a Guaranteed Fun Day Away with the Kids

Trampolining, a Guaranteed Fun Day Away with the Kids

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents and children are feeling stir-crazy inside the house. One of the best ways to beat the pandemic blues is by taking you and your family to a...

Moving Your Child Home, Not Their Home Home

A decade ago, most college graduates were able to find post-grad employment before they finished their last semester’s finals. This isn’t the case anymore. Today more and more college graduates are moving home after...

Fierce Kids Fashion

Fashion is for everyone, young and old. The only proviso is that for kids it’s the parents who call the shots. And with fashion it’s all about the ‘tude. It’s not always what you...

Why Dress Up Games are Fun, Free and Fascinating

As simple as dress up games may sound, they are a means of entertainment that have been misunderstood for a fairly long period of time. The general perception towards dress up games is that...