For most students, waking up rested is unimaginable. They go through the day tired and stressed, barely finding time to rest their head and clear their thoughts. However, this is a result of a poor schedule and organization, as well as the fact that most students are unaware of the importance of sleep. Sleep is crucial not only for your physical, but also your mental health, and can either improve or destroy your performance during the day.
Sleeping late is often not an option for a student, but even if it is, you should always try to be an early riser. In the morning, things are clear and quiet, which is the best time to drink your morning coffee, take a shower, do some exercise, and plan for your day. In order to feel rested in the morning and enjoy the many benefits of waking up early, I’ve come up with a list of 5 useful tips every student should know of.
1. Go to Bed Early
Some people are night owls by nature, but most people will truly benefit from the idea: early to bed early to rise. Make a schedule where you go to bed early. This is the only way to get up in the morning fresh and rested. If you don’t go to bed at a proper bedtime, you will be sleep deprived when you wake up in the morning.
When people ask me: what time should I wake up, I never have a set answer to give them. This depends on when your obligations start, when you went to bed, how much you need to rest, and what your schedule is like. However, I can give you the most effective advice you’ll hear – make a sleep schedule. Set the sleeping hours and follow it every night. If you create a routine, your body and brain will accept it as such, and you’ll always feel rested in the morning.
2. Find the Time to Sleep
Sleeping too much is not good, but not sleeping enough is really, really bad for you. This is why, before you come up with any morning routine to follow, you need to save time in your schedule to sleep. It all begins with how long you sleep and whether or not this is enough for you.
To be able to do this, prioritize your sleep. This is one of the most important things. Your sleep can’t suffer because you had a paper to write or wanted to attend a party. There will be other parties and there’s also the essay writing service Edubirdie to help you when deadlines are tough. Learn to delegate and put some things off if they’re causing you to lose your sleep.
3. Have a Schedule
In addition to a sleep habit where you go to bed at a set time, sleep for a certain amount of time, and wake up early – you need a daily schedule, too. In fact, you need as many schedules as your obligations require from you. If you have a lot to do, you’ll have to prioritize, delegate, and fit the urgent things into today’s schedule. In order to never forget your obligations, you need to put them into a nice, organized weekly schedule.
Having a schedule that you’ll follow will help you reduce all that stress you are feeling when you’re rushing things. It will also help you find the time to sleep. When you know you can handle everything in time, you’ll sleep tightly at night.
4. Have a Nice Morning Routine
If you don’t give yourself time for pampering in the morning, you’ll hardly enjoy waking up early in the day. Make a nice routine out of your early waking. Eat a healthy breakfast to fill in on carbohydrates and fiber. Do short exercises to give your body and brain the boost it needs to get through the day. Hop into the shower to freshen yourself before you get dressed for school.
A nice morning routine will help you get through the day and wake up faster. At the beginning, it will be tough to follow up on all these plans, but once you get the hang of it, it will become a habit you truly enjoy.
5. Learn Some Alarm Tricks
To be an early bird, you’ll have to wake up early. This goes naturally for some people but for most, something has to happen for us to wake up. That’s where alarm clocks come really handy.
There are two things I want to teach you about alarm clocks and waking up. First, don’t use a loud and stressful alarm clock sound. Use a gentle clock that wakes you up when your morning routine starts. Second, put the alarm clock further from your bed. This way, you’ll have to get up to turn it off, which makes it less likely that you’ll hit the snooze button.
Have you tried these tricks yet? If you’re persistent and organized, they’ll do wonders for your sleep quality and timing. You can wake up early in the morning without feeling like someone’s punishing you.