Are You a Working Mom? Here’s How to Cope with an Autistic Child

As a mom, parenting an autistic child can be challenging. These children process information differently than others, and they may struggle to understand social cues and nuances as they grow up. To make matters worse, these children often require more time and attention from their parents.

Fortunately, though, there are ways to cope with having an autistic child. Keep reading to learn more about how to handle parenting an autistic child.

  1. Get Support from Close Friends and Family

Many parents of autistic children feel isolated and alone when raising their children. They might find it challenging to ask for help for fear of being viewed as a burden or the “quaint.” Unfortunately, the autism spectrum is not a mental illness cured by medication.

But getting support from friends and family members can help you cope with your child’s condition. They can not only offer emotional support, but they can also provide practical solutions to assist in your daily routines as a parent.

  1. Make a List of Job-Related Activities Every Day

It can be difficult for autistic children to understand how others regard them during daily conversation or simple greetings. They often become frustrated when they cannot perform simple daily tasks like recognizing everyday objects or following directions in a crowded shopping mall.

As a result, many parents of autistic children find themselves confused about what their child can do on the job and how they can facilitate their child’s unique needs in a different setting.

One way to cope with this issue is to make a list of job-related activities that your child can do every day. Make sure you keep up with your child’s progress by checking off their progress and responsibilities every day.

  1. Avoid Child-Centered Activities

One of the easiest ways to feel overwhelmed with parenting an autistic child at work is to focus too much on your child’s needs. If you’re constantly asking for books or other job-related assistance for your child, you may feel frustrated or uncomfortable with the task at hand.

Try to remember that you are an employee of your company, not a parent of a special-needs child; focus on chores at that time. You can seek a childcare specialist’s help to take good care of and supervise your child while you’re at work. Choose a childcare worker from a reputable company with years of experience dealing with autistic children or those with other special needs. Childcare professionals usually have a per-hour or per-day rate.

  1. The Kids to Action Behavior Centers

If your child’s absences are frequent or excessive, they may need more intensive therapies. You can always enroll them to Action Behavior centers. These can help autistic children with motor skills and speech development. For more information about these centers, check out

  1. Stay Patient & Gentle with Your Child’s Behavior

Remember, a good way for an autistic child to function effectively in a work environment is by exhibiting good behavior. Don’t punish them for being difficult since this will only lead them to respond to behaviors and a negative interaction pattern with others around them.

Mothers with autistic children face challenges explaining how the condition works to other family members. Misunderstanding can affect the child’s comfort and welfare inside the home. More so, bringing the child outside the home raises more concerns for parents. Therefore, you must explain to family members why an autistic child may behave differently.

If you have older children, it’s vital that you explain autism to them and how they should treat their sibling. Your autistic child shouldn’t feel isolated from the rest of their siblings, despite their different needs. This may be tricky to explain to your children. Fortunately, resources like the one available on Serenity Kids can help you explain autism to your kids.

If they are being problematic at school, treat them like any other child who has a difficult time. As with every parenting decision regarding your child, the key to success is for you to stay calm no matter what.

A calm approach is advisable when educating strangers, such as new teachers and classmates, about your child’s condition. Being with your child throughout their journey will make them feel more comfortable. It also prevents judgmental and harmful actions from others, which can affect your child’s self-esteem.


Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often struggle with social interaction, communication, and self-care. This can make it difficult for working parents to make ends meet, let alone deal with the stresses of being a parent.

While the tips above don’t change it, they definitely make coping with an autistic child easier for you as a working parent.