
4 Ways to Prepare for a New Training Program as Spring Approaches

You can feel things shifting: warmer weather and spring are approaching. With the temperature change, the time to meet the new year fitness goals you set a few months ago is getting closer, and...

The Ultimate Ladies Guide to Reinventing Your Look

It is easier than you may think to fall into a style rut. This is because it is often easier to keep picking the same haircuts, clothes, and accessories over and over again. After...

Fun Things Your Child Can Do During School Holidays

Schools are closed, children are now at home 24/7, what next? All parents can attest to the fact that they are not for the idea of children staying glued on the TV’s or their...

Electric Radiators Help You Save Money

Are you sick of the hot summer, the cold winter, or the weather in general? No matter how much we try, ladies, we can’t have perfect weather every day. Everyone has to be responsible...

8 Things to do When You’re Bored

You find yourself with some well-deserved free time. You’ve waited for it but now you’re not sure what to do with it. Spend it wisely. Don’t even think of turning on the boob tube....

Setting up an Open House – What not to Forget

In the context of the modern real estate business, an “open house” concept is a valuable tool we use to put a house on the map and bridge the gap between buyers, sellers and...

What does the ‘pay gap’ mean for female pensions?

We’ve come a long way in terms of gender equality and yet many women still get a raw deal at work in 2017. While it has now been illegal to pay men and women...

Relight the Spark in Your Marriage: 5 Tips for Keeping Love Alive

Marriage is hard right from the start but it doesn't just magically get easier as time passes. Sometimes, the biggest enemy of a marriage is familiarity. We get comfortable with one another. We get...

Top 5 Reasons why every Woman should try Traveling Alone

The world is your oyster, and you can’t really get to know it from home. Traveling helps you experience different cultures and see awe-inspiring views. But is it worth it to set out on...

Top 10 American Ghost Stories of All Time

I love a good ghost story especially when you’re in the dark and around a toasty campfire. Just you, nature, marshmallows and peace and quiet you can only get from plonking yourself down in...