
Why You Should Travel When You are Single

As women, we are often told that traveling solo is dangerous and we should always have at least one other person with us at all times. Preferably a man. The first question that your...

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman so there really is no master list of what you should expect to feel. Some women start to experience basic pregnancy symptoms almost right away. Other women...

Exploring The Biggest Life Problems Women Will Likely Face

As a woman in this day and age, there is no doubt that you’re going to face stiffer challenges than your male counterparts. Women have always had an uphill battle. This is starting to...

5 Things You Should Have In Your Kitchen for Better Health

Taking your health into your own hands can start with a single step in the right direction. That's why we've compiled some of the best products you can buy to help you keep your...

12 Best Apps for Learning Spanish like a Boss

Many people use traditional software to learn foreign languages. While they are okay to use, they may cost you a lot of money in the end. Another alternative, which is also a sure way...

The Online Games Getting the Attention of Women

Traditionally, video games have been a man’s domain. Titles like Doom, FIFA and Call of Duty have featured only male playable characters, in a true reflection of their intended audience. But that audience is...

Top 6 Ways To Fund Your Dream Wedding

Getting married is  the most exciting experience in one's life. And thus, it goes unsaid that every individual wants this day to be special and unique. In fact, most of them plan this special...

Fun Things Your Child Can Do During School Holidays

Schools are closed, children are now at home 24/7, what next? All parents can attest to the fact that they are not for the idea of children staying glued on the TV’s or their...

Apps That Help You Make Your Goals Happen

We live in a time where technology has become an extension of the human conscious – we use our devices to help us in almost all aspects of our lives, from fitness and dating,...

Reasons Why an Adjustable Standing Desk is Good for You

If your job includes many hours of sitting on a chair then you will definitely appreciate a standing desk. A lot of people are under the impression that this is just an office trend...