
The Highest Female Winners Of The WSOP

The world series of online poker has had a plethora of winners since its conception, many of whom happen to be women. Sure, poker is often seen as something that is played mostly by men,...

How Does Drinking Wine Affect Teeth and Smiles?

Wine is the highlight of many social gatherings. A traditional gift when attending a dinner party is typically wine. The sophisticated beverage finds itself an accompaniment to many evening meals in households everywhere. The primary...

Do More of This For Your Health Right Now

It’s resolution time, which means millions of people have a goal to live healthier in the coming year. While the intent is great, that resolution is bound to fail. Goals (i.e. resolutions) need to be...

6 Trailblazing Female Lawyers Who Shaped American History

Women always seemed to have trouble finding a path in careers driven by men. Even today, when women’s rights have been recognized and the ladies are no longer as repressed, only around 37% of...

What The Gems In Your Jewellery Say About You

Whether we have inherited old items of jewelry from relatives or collect pretty pieces as a hobby, we all have our own unique tastes when it comes to gems. We may prefer certain colours...

5 Ho-Ho-Hosting Hacks to Help You Survive The Holidays

Twas the night before the Christmas party, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except the party host: Still up, with bloodshot eyes, frantically pulling together any and all last-minute touches...

Most Fashionable Gift Ideas For Men In 2022 

Gift giving is not only for the Holidays. You've got birthdays, promotions, anniversaries - you name it! And while some people excel at finding the perfect present for anyone, others sometimes struggle. Shopping for someone...

How to Give Yourself the Best Chance of Success When Trying a New Hobby

Getting into something new can be hard. Not only because of the unfamiliarity and the fact that you’re likely not very good at it yet, but also because of that natural, quiet voice in...
5 Ways To Prevent And Reduce Headache Pain

5 Ways To Prevent And Reduce Headache Pain

Headaches are very common and will affect everyone at one time or another. Many things can cause headaches to form, and their intensity levels can also vary. Many people get a mild headache once...

5 Effective Ways to Reduce Puffy Eye Bags

Puffy eye bags are unsightly and often very difficult to get rid of. However, there are some steps that you can take to reduce the appearance of puffy eye bags. Focusing on good skincare,...