
An Introduction to Exotic Pets: Large Mammals

In last week’s introduction to exotic animals, we looked at some of the best small, exotic mammals that can be kept as pets safely. This week, we’re going to move on to their larger...

What You Need to Know Before You Adopt a Bunny

When I got my first bunny, Commander Bun-Bun, she was a shy, timid little Bunny that would run and hide whenever anyone walked by her cage. That changed fairly quickly. Now, at almost six...

These 3 Dog Breeds Are The Best When You Have Kids

Having a pet with children can be fantastic for the kids as a learning experience and even as a companion. A dog can end up as your child’s best friend and provide loyalty and...

10 Too Awesome to Believe Hybrid Animals

Mankind has not always been known for thinking things through. We are the reason killer bees exist after all. We like to experiment and play around and sometimes the consequences aren't exactly what we...

10 Cute Animal Videos to Brighten Your Day

Welcome to '10 Cute Animal Videos to Brighten Your Day'. There is definitely no shortage of doom and gloom in the world. This is not the place for that doom and gloom. This column...

An Introduction to Exotic Pets: Small Mammals

Dogs and cats are awesome. They make lovely companions and are fairly easy to care for. For some, though, nothing beats the allure of owning an exotic pet. Choosing which one's right for you...

Too Much Sun, Not Enough Fun: Common Mistakes First Time Dog Owners Make in...

The pool is open. The grill is ready to go. You’ve got your sunscreen, your bug spray and a brand-new beach towel. It’s summertime: time to kick back, soak up some rays and enjoy...

5 Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

Whether it is a weeklong vacation at the beach or a weekend trip to the mountains, more and more people are traveling with their dogs these days. Dog owners like traveling with their furry...

Wild Animals Are Not Pets

As some readers may know, I’ve been slowly compiling a series of articles about exotic pets and how to care for exotic pets. Due to some personal issues, I haven’t gotten those articles written...

Heal Fido Naturally: 5 Home Remedies for Dog Pain

The US has over 80 million dogs, making fidos the 3rd favorite choice of pet for Americans after aquatic animals and cats. Dogs are warm, upbeat, and loving animals. When they get melancholy, often this...