
A Healthy Pet Equals a Happy Pet: The Benefits of Salmon Oil for Dogs

You’ve most likely heard that fish oil supplements provide many lasting health benefits for humans, but you may not have known your pets can also achieve better health with the aid of a salmon...

Heal Fido Naturally: 5 Home Remedies for Dog Pain

The US has over 80 million dogs, making fidos the 3rd favorite choice of pet for Americans after aquatic animals and cats. Dogs are warm, upbeat, and loving animals. When they get melancholy, often this...

Most Practical Gifts for Your or Your Friends’ Pets

Finding the perfect gift for a pet or a friend’s pet can be a daunting task. While many online articles and lists are telling you about amazing options, it is often hard to zero...

Why Do Cats Meow?

Why is your cat meowing? What is your cat trying to tell you? Have you ever wondered why cats meow just to people, but not to other cats? And if you haven't thought of...

10 Cute Animal Videos to Brighten Your Day

Welcome to '10 Cute Animal Videos to Brighten Your Day'. There is definitely no shortage of doom and gloom in the world. This is not the place for that doom and gloom. This column...

Co-ordinating Your Dog’s Accessories with Your Home Design Aesthetics

We all have a certain way that we like our homes to look. Walk in to one house and you may find ‘organised chaos’ and, although  some are happy to throw everything together however...

5 Tips to Help Owners Raise a Newborn Puppy

Getting a new puppy is a very exciting time. However, it’s also a time full of responsibility and lots of learning on the job. If you’re planning on getting a newborn puppy, then you...

Too Much Sun, Not Enough Fun: Common Mistakes First Time Dog Owners Make in...

The pool is open. The grill is ready to go. You’ve got your sunscreen, your bug spray and a brand-new beach towel. It’s summertime: time to kick back, soak up some rays and enjoy...

The Proven Emotional Benefits of Pets

Our pets are family, and just like a caring family member, they can help you when you're feeling down. We have all had to remind someone that it isn’t JUST a dog or cat....

10 Too Awesome to Believe Hybrid Animals

Mankind has not always been known for thinking things through. We are the reason killer bees exist after all. We like to experiment and play around and sometimes the consequences aren't exactly what we...