
Celebrities Photoshopped: Before and After

I think it’s safe to say that the majority of people nowadays know or have at least heard of the graphics editing program by Adobe (that is unless you are above 55 and have...

How The Modern Woman’s Lifestyle Is Changing The Beauty Industry

Historically, the beauty industry has been painstakingly exclusive in the ideals it puts forward to its impressionable and vulnerable consumers. Since ancient Egyptian times, people have been using beauty products to enhance their features....

Want Cleaner Skin? Drink Cleaner Water!

Chances are, any beauty tips you've ever read will contain a part about drinking lots of water and there are reasons for that. We've seen people that seem to have flawless skin and a...

Why You Should Consider Natural Skincare Products

It's so easy now-a-days to go into the nearest department store and pick up the cheapest cleansing bar you can find. The pros are that these go-to products are cheap, easy, and readily available....

The Best Hair Trends to Follow this Autumn; the experts predictions

Have you planned your autumn outfits and style yet? If you haven't then you should because the beautiful season is just around the corner and you don’t want to miss looking like a diva....

The Make Up Dynamic Duo

Make up has been a fan favorite all throughout history. It’s a great way to accentuate the beauty of a face, give it some amazing contours and it’s even a great form of art....

6 Solutions To Hair Loss

Whether you're experiencing hair loss due to stress, age, or illness, thinning can impact your social life and emotional well-being. But there's hope. Science has come a long way with several methods to remedy...

The Different Types of Mascara Every Woman Should Know

Mascara is one of those cosmetic items every woman carries in her bag. You never know when it clumps, flakes or smears down your eyelids. Thankfully, there is more than one brand and different...

130+ Eye-Catching Coffin Nails Ideas to Reinvent Your Manicure Style

Long nails have been a trend for years that all women go crazy about, especially when shapes and designs are involved. The coffin nails, for example, have been making huge waves among women who...

97 Beautiful Black And White Nail Art Ideas Only For You

If you are looking for a cool new style, then why not try the ever popular black and white nail art. Black and white styles are elegant and timeless, they will never go out...