
Low Testosterone Treatment Options

The best treatment for low testosterone depends largely on the reason behind low levels of testosterone. In most cases, you would be recommended to try to increase your testosterone levels naturally. However, this may...

Aphrodisiac Foods to Increase your Sexual Appetite

The first thing that comes to your mind is ‘Can few food really act as aphrodisiac’ ? Earlier I was extremely skeptical about this notion, but unable to ignore my curiosity, I set upon...

6 Tips to Handle Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has a simple definition: it's the inability to receive or maintain an erection. However, the cause can be much harder for a man to identify. Each case will be unique, which...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is often equated with vaginoplasty. Many women find the two terms interchangeable, as if they were synonymous. This was the case before alternative treatments or solutions for vaginal rejuvenation came to the...

The Best Sex Positions for Pregnant Women

Many women have a lot of questions when it comes to sex and pregnancy. Woman want to know the best sex positions that are safe for pregnant women and which ones are the most...

Managing The Symptoms Of Yeast Infections

Managing The Symptoms Of Yeast Infections Roughly 75% of American women will have at least one yeast infection in her lifetime, and 40%-45% will have multiple cases. Put simply, a yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of...

How can aphrodisiac save your relationship?

You must have heard of aphrodisiacs and their effects. Aphrodisiacs are taking a very important place in many cultures. They are well-known because of their advantages for health problems, including sexual issues and lack...

How Women Can Keep Themselves Free Of Sexual Health Problems

As you should already know, women can suffer from a wide variety of sexual health problems. Some of these problems are inherited, while others are brought about by a sedentary lifestyle. Depending on the...

Cute Things to Say To A Guy

Sometimes when you meet an attractive guy for the first time it can be really hard to come up with something interesting to say to get his attention.  If only you could think of...

The 20 Most Controversial Magazine Covers of All Time

Magazine covers have to be bold and attention grabbing so they'll stand out on the newsstand. As long as magazines have been published, shocking magazine covers have existed. From the first woman to grace...