
4 Residential Living Ideas To Decorate Your New Home

You’ve moved close to Berkeley. Now is the time to start dreaming of its amazing décor. Home décor ideas are in abundance in your mind already. But you’re a bit cautious as to how...

Celebrity fashion inspiration from the 60’s

This showcase shows some of the celebrity fashions in the 1960’s, from the early 60’s Hepworth suits, narrow trousers, lapels and a thin ties., to the late 60’s crazy wide flares, ...

Top Ten Ways to Make the Most of your Low-Budget London Vacation

A visit to the capital of the United Kingdom is a dream vacation for many people who long to travel and see the world, but London is one of the most expensive cities on...

How to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Holiday Season

All too often, the dreaded words “I’m bored, I don’t know what to do” signals the start of the holiday season. And this year, there is the added pressure of social distancing and stay-at-home...

8 most beautiful places to visit in the Mediterranean

Numerous countries are fortunate enough to have part of their borders touch the Mediterranean Sea. All 21 countries have towns, resorts, cuisine, historical sites and a ton of activities any tourist from whatever part...

Your Cravings Can Save your Life

Food cravings are nothing new or unusual. Many men and women will go through periods in their life where hankerings for certain food groups become full blown binges. It’s when these binges become a...

Everything to Know About Making a Home Wheelchair-Accessible

Making your home more accessible makes life much easier for wheelchair users. Being in a wheelchair was considered debilitating for a long time, simply because places and things weren't well-adapted to accommodate mobility aids....
foods rich in calcium

Calcium Rich Foods List

What Are The foods rich in calcium? Everyone knows what calcium is and why it is needed. Generally calcium is only related to strengthening our bones and teeth. But there are other functions which depend...

4 Ways to Improve Your Professional Reach and Engagement with Social Media

The internet has made it a whole lot easier for people to make money and start a business in the world today. Anyone with an expertise, passion or skill, can get online, build a...

Things to Keep in Mind When Travelling

As a person in 2019, travelling far and often has become the norm rather than the exception. Thanks in large part to the proliferation of the budget airline and holiday industries, the plummeting costs...