
Iconic Money Manipulation

There are so many ways to express yourself through the creative arts. Painting, pencil work and paper folding are all valid outlets. I’m not alone in advising that creativity is very important in the...

Top 5 Tips for Introverts Going on Dates

Introverted people can find many things daunting. That list might include public speaking, particularly having to make a presentation in the office, or worse still, a speech before the assembled guests at a wedding....

Tips for Achieving a Work-Life Balance

Despite representing half of the American workforce,  women are still responsible for an average of 242 minutes of unpaid work each day, mainly in the form of domestic labor, while men average only 148 minutes...

How Technology Can Help To Educate Children

The image of a typical classroom has changed in recent years with the introduction of technology. Rather than the teacher standing at the front of the classroom, telling their class to turn to page...

10 Facts You Need to Know About Data Security

Mark Zuckerberg said ‘privacy is dead’. In our online world the notion of privacy is a quaint one. However, while we may have lost much of our privacy with all of our online and...

Smell Fabulous! 12 of the Best Perfumes for Women

You've been through the test aisles. As you walk through department stores or perfume stores, you pass by several different perfumes and scents all put out on display for you to see and smell....

Celebrity Car Crashes

It’s said that you can’t call yourself a real driver until you’ve had at least one crash. For the celebrity classes this seems to be more than just a rite of passage, it’s a...

How to Stay Cool and Still Rule the Holidays

Here it comes- get ready! It’s that time of year again. The relatives are all coming soon, your perfect-gift-giving reputation is at stake, and there’s baking to be done. Decorating! Shopping! Cooking! A whirlwind...

Major Lifestyle Moves for Professional Women

Today's professional women have more choices than ever before. That's especially true when it comes to making lifestyle changes for the better. Plus, for those who don't have enough cash on hand to pay...

Are Women Superior Than Men??

It is imperative to emphasize that there is no question of equality between men and women. Nature created them as the opposite sexes of the same species and this alone renders...