
Baby Pillows: Everything You Need To Know To Keep Your Little One Safe

A recommendation set by the American Academy of Pediatrics, or AAP, noted that it would be best for a baby's safety to avoid very soft beddings, including pillows and stuffed animals in their sleeping...

20 Fictional Sports/Games that Should have been in the Olympics

The Olympics only comes round once every four years for a two-week period and, every time, you hear people complaining of how it disrupts the television schedules and generally impacts on their regular calendar....

7 Beach Activities Women Will Enjoy, aside from Getting that tan

Whether you are dreaming of those balmy days of summer, or whether summer is finally here, there are almost limitless ways to enjoy yourself at the beach. What's stopping you? Parasailing in a tropical paradise Are...

Five Ways to Get into Your Exercise Routine

After spending a year indoors, one of the biggest obstacles to getting back into shape is motivation. Even if you worked out a couple times a week, you may still have packed on the...

Top 4 Tips for Viewing the Northern Lights in Iceland

The Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, are one of the most spectacular sites you can lay your eyes on. However, the Northern Lights aren’t just something most people stumble upon. If you want...

How to Make a DIY Movie Projector For Your Phone

Going to the movies is fun. Not only that, a study showed that a movie can help one release suppressed emotions and alleviate physical and psychological side effects of emotional suppression. Why not watch...

How to choose the best LED floodlights?

The LED light market has been taking over its predecessor, fluorescent lights, very well. LED lights are quite popular because of the numerous advantages they hold over incandescent lights. For example, they use significantly...

How to Prevent Summer Insects From Being a Buzzkill

Ah, the dog days of summer: cold drinks, blooming gardens, outdoor barbecues, and...enough bugs to drive a person crazy. There are an estimated 900,000 different species of insects in the world, and it feels like...

Travelling When Pregnant: The Big Questions Answered

Pregnancy is a magical time for most women. A time of change, a time of excitement, a time of preparation and anticipation. It is also demanding, the physical and hormonal changes your body goes...

Living Room Decorating Ideas: Having a Living Room You Love

Not everyone has the money for a big redecorating project but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a living room you love. There are several living room decorating ideas you can use to make...