Relight the Spark in Your Marriage: 5 Tips for Keeping Love Alive
Marriage is hard right from the start but it doesn't just magically get easier as time passes. Sometimes, the biggest enemy of a marriage is familiarity. We get comfortable with one another. We get...
Where To Turn When You Need Dating Advice For Girls
Dating is never easy. This is especially true for younger, inexperienced daters or individuals that are getting back out there after years and years of a relationship. Heck, relationships, in general, are hard. Not...
A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Perfect Diamond Engagement Ring
As all newlyweds would agree with us, buying the diamond for your ring is perhaps one of the most important parts of marriage. The diamond on your ring might hold a lot of monetary...
10 Ingenious Ways to Keep Your Relationship Exciting
56% of men and 54% of women start thinking about marriage after they've been together for six months.
That may come as a surprise for those who often experience a lull in their relationship at...
How the Internet Can Help in Overcoming Relationship Problems
The Problem
There are some big differences in how men and women view the world – millions of years of evolution and some pretty obvious biological realities have determined somewhat different psychology and worldview. While...
Forgive Him or Forget Him: When You Should Stay and When You Should Leave
A tiger can change its stripes. A leopard can change its spots. You can teach an old dog new tricks. The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you can accept...
What Not to Do When You Want a Divorce
You know it has taken you a while to come up with the decision to get a divorce. You have had to think about many different issues, such as the housing arrangements, the kids,...