How to Eat To Save the Planet

Recent reports suggest that the world is in peril. These reports have also revealed that it is upon human beings to restore it. As a matter of fact, saving the planet is one of the factors affecting food technology innovations. So, what can you do to save the planet? Change how you handle the food!

According to research, what humans consume has changed the planet. For instance, forests worldwide have been destroyed to create room for cattle rearing and growing food for livestock. On the other hand, the oceans have become barren because of overfishing and trawling.

In this regard, food production has emerged as the biggest driver of wildlife loss. It has also contributed to climate change, with around a quarter of greenhouse emissions globally linked with food.

Here are tips on how you can eat to save the planet:

Eat More Plants

Environmentalists argue that farming animals for dairy and meat requires space, feed, and massive amounts of water. For instance, reports suggest that the livestock industry is responsible for almost 15% of all man made greenhouse emissions.

As the world grapples with feeding a growing population, the global consumption of meat has grown by up to 500% between 1992 and 2016. As a result, there is a need to rebalance human diets. Experts advise that humans should consume more plants and moderate their animal products consumption.

Add More Variety to Human Foods

Research shows that three-quarters of the global food supply comes from only 12 plants and five animal species. Having greater variety in human diets is critical. This is because a lack of diversity in agriculture is detrimental to nature and risks food security.

In this sense, there have been several research studies to try to address this menace. For instance, you will start seeing the rise of lab-grown meat. Moreover, there will be many other plant and animal species included in human food.

Cut Down On Food Waste

Food waste has also emerged as a major challenge. Research shows that 30% of the food produced usually ends up being wasted. Some experts argue that if food wastage were a country, it would rank as the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases after the USA and China.

In this regard, the global population has to reduce food waste. Some measures that can be implemented to minimize wastage include freezing anything you cannot eat while it is still fresh. It is also advisable to buy loose products which allow you to select the exact amount you require.

Grow Your Own Food

Nutritionists advise that people should grow their own food. This approach ensures that you eat fresh produce from the farm. Moreover, fresh farm food does not contain the carbon footprint of foods bought from the shop.

Additionally, when you grow your food, you avoid processed foods that normally have a higher caloric content. And as the world tackles the obesity crisis, kitchen gardens would help to reduce poor eating habits.

Pass On Plastic

If you love the environment, you will not like how plastics have infiltrated the natural world and human diets. Therefore, when you go shopping, carry a reusable bag.

Also, it would help if you opted for package-free fruits and vegetables as much as possible. If all consumers adopted this approach, it would force producers to find alternatives to plastic packaging.

Save Energy As You Cook

Many people rarely look at the energy they use to cook, store and clean food as part of the sustainability picture of the food we eat. Although it might be relatively small, it is something under your control.

Therefore, you should consider using a single source of heat. For example, when you turn on the oven, avoid preheating it for over five minutes. Additionally, if possible, try cooking multiple things at once.

Other ways you can save energy while cooking includes using a lid if cooking with a pan and ensuring you don’t overfill your fridge.

Use Technology

You can get mobile apps that provide information on the ethics and sustainability of food products. Some of the details you can get from mobile apps include whether the food’s package is recyclable and what the food’s ingredients are. Such kind of information will help you to make informed choices when buying food.

Besides that, you can also use apps to redistribute extra food. Some apps can link you with homes and other programs that feed the hungry in your area. Therefore, instead of throwing away excess food, you can put it to good use by feeding the hungry in your neighborhood.

Final Thoughts

Did you know your eating can save the planet? Well, it is clear that it is in human hands to save the world from destruction. For instance, a good place to start is by having sustainable eating trends.

Moreover, it would help to look at the emerging trends in food tech and embrace the beneficial ones. Above all, avoid wastage by getting what you can consume and sharing any excess food you have.