5 Amazingly Easy Plants to Grow in Your Quarantine Garden

Are you looking for a productive way of passing the time while you’re at home under COVID-19 quarantine? You’re not alone!

Gardening offers exercise, outdoor time, and, if all goes well, healthy vegetables and fruits. Once you get the hang of it, gardening even offers you some food security.

Looking to hone your green thumb? Take a look at these 5 easy plants to grow in your quarantine garden.

5 Easy Plants to Grow In Your Garden

  1. Tasty Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a summertime favorite. They’re delicious raw on sandwiches or cooked into a mouth-watering spaghetti sauce. There are so many types of tomatoes from which to choose.

Plant tomatoes in a sunny spot. Give them plenty of water and tomato-specific fertilizer.

Homegrown tomatoes and other vegetables are healthier than store-bought because you control the soil. You can use compost and organic compounds that ensure nutrient retention in the soil.

Commercial farming depletes important nutrients like fulvic acid, so growing your own vegetables is a great idea.

Read more about soil nutrients at the Microbe Formulas page.

  1. Delicious Green Beans

Green beans are tasty and healthy, and they don’t take up a lot of room in your garden. You can grow either pole or bush varieties.

Pole varieties grow up a pole or trellis. Like tomatoes, green beans need plenty of sunshine and regular watering.

As the beans grow and ripen, pick them as soon as possible so the plants keep producing.

  1. Crunchy Cucumbers

If you’ve never had a fresh cucumber sandwich, you’re in for a treat! In the spring, when the garden soil reaches at least 60 degrees, start your seeds. Place them about an inch into the ground.

Cucumbers sprout in only a few days. Short on space in your garden? Train the cucumber vines up a trellis or pole.

  1. Crispy Sweet Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are delicious with dips, in a salad, or even stuffed and cooked in the oven. Sweet peppers are easy to grow but don’t do well in cold weather.

Is your summer season short? Start your peppers inside in small cups or even an empty egg container.

Put the soil in and add some seeds. Start them indoors about eight weeks before the last spring frost. Once the seedlings grow, transfer them outside when the soil is 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer.

  1. Scrumptious Strawberries

You need something sweet to eat after you’ve had your veggies! How about some scrumptious strawberries?

There are even late-season varieties if you didn’t have time for spring planting. As with most veggies, strawberry plants need lots of direct sun.

Helpful Gardening Tips

As you plan to start your new garden, let’s share a few tips to help you get things right. It isn’t just about getting your hands dirty, it is about doing things right. These simple tips will improve your chances to succeed as a quarantine gardener.

  1. Create a gardening plan

The easiest way to draw up your gardening plan is to find out from an existing gardener. You can read up online because of the lockdown. Gather from this knowledge to create your gardening plan. With this, you can know what suits your garden better and how long it will take.

  1. Put your plants where there’s sunlight

Your plants should get between six and eight hours of sunlight daily. In warmer climates, the plants may need less. Find the part of your garden where the plants can get the best amount of sunlight. This contributes immensely to their growth.

  1. Check your water sources

Water is very important to the growth of your plants. This is why you must be assured of the water source before you begin planting. Will you be using a water hose to wet your plants? Or will you make use of sprinklers? Whichever method you choose, make sure that you devise a means for your plants to get sufficient water.

  1. Get your tools and prepare the soil

Since you can’t go shopping, you can order some tools online. All you need are a few tools to prepare the soil and get ready for planting. It is best to loosen the soil so that your plants can get access to nutrients easily.

Lots of Easy Plants to Grow 

There are lots of easy plants to grow in your garden. Make sure you pick the sunniest spot in your yard first.

Dig up the soil and turn in some compost or good soil. Then get to work with your seeds or seedling plants.

Growing your own veggies and fruits is delicious, satisfying, and healthy. What are you waiting for? It’s time for your own garden with these five easy-to-grow plants.

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