How to Reduce Anxiety Before Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik is a revolutionary corrective eye procedure that helps treat refractive eye errors. It can be used to treat near-sightedness and far-sightedness, and other eye-related disorders.

The success rate of Lasik is over 90%, and most patients can return to their routine in a few days. There is also no pain involved, as numbing eye drops are used before the laser is used.

However, some patients may have anxiety before the procedure. They may be scared of undergoing eye surgery, or heard urban legends about Lasik and have reservations about the safe and quick procedure.

If you have some anxiety about the procedure, you may feel tense and irritable. Your palms may be sweaty, and you may have some jitters. You may have trouble falling or staying asleep and butterflies in your stomach.

You should research the procedure to know exactly what to expect, this will help calm you down. You can also ask your surgeon as many questions as possible during the initial consultation so you are completely informed on what is going to happen. You can also check the surgeon’s credentials online to learn more about their experience and qualifications.

Below, we will discuss Lasik eye surgery and provide a few tips that may help reduce your anxiety before the big day.

Benefits of Lasik Surgery

In most cases, patients will no longer need to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses, many for the rest of their lives. You will save tens of thousands of dollars that would have gone towards glasses or contact lenses when you undergo Lasik.

In other words, Lasik serves as a permanent solution to your eye condition or disorder. It is also very cost-effective, as advances in technology have led to significant drops in cost, procedure time and recovery time. You can also schedule it whenever you wish.

It usually takes a few days to recover from the procedure fully, so you can have it done on a Friday afternoon or get it done during your vacation or the holidays. Most patients will notice a significant improvement in their vision days after the procedure.

The surgery is also painless, as numbing drops are administered before the surgery.

How to Reduce Anxiety Before Lasik Surgery

Make a full list of your concerns and questions and address them during your consultation with your surgeon. They will tell you what to expect before, during, and after the operation. You will also need to follow up with the surgeon a few days after the procedure.

They will examine your eyes to make sure that they are healing according to plan and ask you how you feel. You can also try deep breathing exercises. Meditation and yoga can help calm your nerves.

Aromatherapy may help relax you. Listening to calm music can help set your mind at ease. Some doctors may allow you to listen to your playlist during the procedure, or they may play some soothing background music while they work.

The goal is to distract yourself while they work. Most people try to relax by closing their eyes. You cannot do so during your eye operation, so try and find other ways to occupy yourself.

Some doctors will ask that their anxious patients hold onto an item tightly. For example, they may provide you with a football or teddy bear to keep while they work. Try to keep a positive mindset while the procedure is taking place.

Lasik has been around for decades and is very safe and effective. You will feel no pain during the procedure. It also goes by very quickly, as the actual process only takes 10-15 minutes in most cases.

Most dental cleanings take about twice as long and tend to be far more unpleasant. If you are still anxious, you can take a mild sedative or muscle relaxer before the procedure. Your surgeon may also provide you with something to help you relax before the operation.

Lasik surgery is a quick, painless, economical, and highly effective form of corrective eye surgery that can permanently eliminate the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses.


Try to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest before the procedure. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and any drugs that can cause complications. Follow your surgeon’s directives to the letter, and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure that the procedure was completely successful.

If you have any fears or concerns about the operation, then talk to your surgeon so that they can walk you through the procedure. Any anxiety that you feel should quickly dissipate.