5 SEO Tips Every Female Needs When Creating a Website for Their Company

Creating a website for your company that is SEO-freindly can sometimes feel like an overwhelming, impossible task. After all, SEO isn’t always the easiest thing to understand, and there are so many do’s and don’ts. But we’re here to help. Below, you find 5 SEO tip that will help you create a website that takes advantages of all SEO has to offer.

Smart Keywords

One of the first things you should do when creating your website is research smart keywords. These keywords are essential to all aspects of SEO. You will need them to build a marketing strategy, build links, and build SEO-content. There are several free keyword research tools out there that you can use. You will want to build a list of keywords that match whatever service or product you will be selling as well as any location information you might need to know to attract local customers.

Use Keywords in Your URLs

Another way you can optimize your keywords is by including them in your URL links. The reason for this is because search engines will often show your results that have the words you search for right in the URL. For example, if you search for “flowers in New York,” the results you will get will have URL links that have those exact words right in the website address. You can up your profile in search engines by creating specific URLs that use the keywords that you researched above.

Avoid Non-Contextual Backlinks

When creating your website, you should absolutely avoid non-contextual backlinks. A backlink, very simply, is a link to an external website. Link building is one of the keys to increasing your SEO, as contextual backlinks have a big impact on your search rankings. In simple term, search engines, such as Google, will judge your backlinks, using them as a basis for determining your credibility and quality. A non-contextual backlink is a link to an external website that doesn’t have anything in common with your website. For example, if you’re selling beauty products and then link to auto part stores. That is a non-contextual backlink, and it will also skew your ranking in search engines. Be sure to always add backlinks that relate to your company, These type of backlinks will increase your companies awareness. Keep things very simple and you will be able to become a SEO machine for your business. If your in a certain industry make sure you make a list of topics and sub genres where your industry can be placed in so when it becomes time to find backlinks. You have a guide to which you can follow to make sure that you keep all of your backlinks contextual

Use Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a little snippet, usually about 155 characters, that is built into a HTML tag. Its purpose is to summarize the content of a webpage. When you search for anything on the internet, those results will show you the name of the website, it’s address, and the meta description. The reason you want to use a meta description is because they give you and advantage over other search results. A good meta description will be under 160 characters, will provide valuable information, and will prompt someone to want to click on your website.

Add Fresh Content Regularly

When putting together your website, you will want to add some kind of blog feature. This type of website add-on allows you to use your SEO keywords and drive traffic to your site. However, a blog must have fresh content added to it on the regular. It’s not good enough to add a few SEO-friendly blog posts right away and then think your job is done. Fresh content is gold to search engines and posting new content regularly will increase your search result ranking. Although this seems like the easiest way to increase your SEO, many people find it to be one of the hardest things about creating their website. The number one reason why they feel that is because rarely do they ever think about content creat on their website if it doesn’t involve sales. Creating a content plan will not only help content creation go better but it will also allow you the ability to give something to your customers that they don’t have to pay for, people love buying things from other who invest more into the industry than those that are always asking for them to buy.