
Top Ten Sexy Men with Beards

For me, the words sexy and beards are mutually exclusive. However, being someone willing to be converted, I set about this assignment for hirsute hotties and bearded babes with an open mind. Of course,...

Top Celebrities Who Love to Gamble

Celebrities are people just like us. They have hobbies and interests too and, like many people, they love gambling as well. No one is immune to feeling that rush you get when you win...

The 5 Most Shocking Season Finales in Television (VIDEO)

Sharp writing, well developed characters and solid plotlines make for engrossing and entertaining television but nothing ensures people tune in for a season premiere like giving them a finely crafted season finale cliffhanger. Whether...

The 10 Best Family Guy Fights Ever

It can be argued that over the last few seasons the quality of Family Guy has started to dip but that's the case with any series that stays on the air long enough. One thing...

Most romantic TV storylines ever

We love a little romance, don’t we? All those romantic breaks in Europe, underwear shopping and getting roses on Valentine’s Day. On the big screen or the small, we want characters to get together,...

Famous Women in History

Ruled by the dictates of patriarchal norms, women from times immemorial have been forced to bow down to men and patriarchy. Yet, despite these shackles, there have been women who have managed to put...

Top 10 Downright Odd Movie and TV Merchandise

Wanting to show your love for favourite film or tv series? Faint of heart, look away now... 10. Let's ease you in gently with the actually quite funky Terminator USB memory stick. This little beauty...

Does Your Partner Watch Too Much TV in Bed?

What do you do when having a TV in bed starts to take over your relationship? Yes, it can be comfortable and convenient to have the TV at your feet while you’re winding down,...

Man Candy Monday: Joe Manganiello

Who is Joe Manganiello? The Vital Stats: Name: Joseph Michael Manganiello Nicknames: Joe Height: 6'5" Age: 34 Born: December 28, 1976 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Profession: Actor Status: Engaged to actress Audra Marie Filmography (year, title, role): 1999: Out of Courage 2: Out for Vengeance (Ruslan...

The 25 Sexiest Redheads in Hollywood

I am a sucker for a redhead. I won't even try to lie. That's a big part of the reason my favorite color to dye my own hair is bright, rich red. I am...