Abstinent Celebrities: Celebrities Who Said No to Sex
I write a lot of articles about celebrities and their wild behavior. Usually this involves sex, drugs or all of the above. The celebrities on this list are different though. The celebrities on this...
The Best Sex Positions for Pregnant Women
Many women have a lot of questions when it comes to sex and pregnancy. Woman want to know the best sex positions that are safe for pregnant women and which ones are the most...
What Do Braxton Hicks Feel Like?
You’re sure the day has come. You’re having contractions and it feels like your baby is ready to meet the world. The only problem? You get to the hospital only to hear you’re not...
Crazy Collectors
People collect some darn strange things. When I was a lad it was all the rage to collect those hard plastic bread bag tags and adorn your bicycle’s brake cables with them. I also...
The Ten Sexiest French People Alive
No-one really knows exactly what it is but there is something alluring about the French. Maybe it is their accents, perhaps they have specific mannerisms or even give off a special scent which is...
What Are Yoni Eggs and How Can They Improve Your Sex Life?
Yoni eggs, or jade eggs, are sensual tools used by women to improve their sexual life, while adding more pleasure and control into their lives. Yoni eggs are made from gorgeous, semi precious stones...
Top qualities of a Successful Physiotherapist
Health services, in general, undoubtedly is an aspect of human endeavor, which comes with a lot of responsibilities and commitment as well as professionalism. Specifically and with respect to human physiotherapy, much emphasis is...
How to Shrink Fat Cells: 10 Different Ways to Reduce Your Waistline
Do you dream of having that slim waistline that will make you the envy of all your friends? You may feel like it's a lot of work, but really making a few lifestyle changes...
10 Ways to Help a Loved One with Anorexia
Today’s media and society place pressure on women, telling them that in order to be attractive they have to be unnaturally skinny. Because of this more and more women feel inadequate and try to...
The Top 5 Positions for Women in Medicine
The roles of female and male in the medical field are often compared to those in daily life. Women are regularly treated as an inferior and to attain a career in such a field...