Judge Dredd’s most famous catchphrase is: ‘I am the Law’. In the overpopulated megacities of the future, the Judges dispense swift, and often hard, justice on criminals. Extreme right wing punishment is doled out and often comprises huge jail terms or summary execution; even for those offences which today we would consider fairly trivial. Most of us would like to think ourselves law abiding but when it comes to that contentious area of driving, the law seems to become bizarrely flexible in people’s minds. Speeding, eating, texting, reading maps, smoking and using a mobile phone while behind the wheel all appear to become acceptable. So, if you’re in the business of renting motors like those people at California Car Hire, you’re going to worry for your fleet.
But, although laws are there to protect the people – every government’s first priority – some laws seem overly archaic or oppressive. Or sometimes too darn stupid. The UK has its fair share such as this beauty dating back to 1585 which made it illegal for women to ‘cause a nuisance with abusive or argumentative language’. Indeed, a woman found to be guilty of scolding had to wear a scold’s bridle, a metal cage that enclosing her head. The Criminal Law Act of 1967 finally repealed this barbaric punishment resulting in women being allowed to scold freely (to everyone’s delight: yes, including husbands…)
Here I’m concentrating on the US, California in particular. Whether it’s the town of Norco’s love of exotic pets or San Francisco’s law prohibiting citizens piling horse manure to a height of more than six feet on street corners, there’s an odd law for every occasion.
Here’s my pick of the stupidest laws imposed in various locations of California.
Nobody is allowed to Ride a Bicycle in a Swimming Pool (Baldwin Park)
Cars are the Only Item allowed in a Garage (Long Beach)
All Persons wishing to keep a Rhinoceros as a Pet must obtain a $100 License first. (Norco)
It is Illegal to Molest Butterflies. (Pacific Grove)
Zoot Suits are Prohibited (Los Angeles)
It is Illegal to Walk a Camel down Palm Canyon Drive Between 4pm and 6pm. (Palm Springs)
It is Illegal for a Secretary to be Alone in a Room with her Boss. (Pasadena)
Roosters may not Crow in the City Limits. (Ontario)
Toads May not be Licked. (Los Angeles)
One may not Raffle off a Dog as a Gift in any Public Place. (Shasta Lake)
It is Illegal to Shoot “Silly String” at Parade Participants. (Lodi)
Males may not dress as a female unless a special permit is obtained from the sheriff. (Walnut)
And finally…
It is illegal for a trumpet player to play with the intention of luring someone to a store (Indian Wells)
When he’s not reading law, Greg Coltman loves to write about all sorts of things, the wackier the better.