
What to Wear to a Festival

We all love to have a little fun, especially after days, weeks, or months of hard work. However, picking the right clothes for the occasion can be a bit daunting. This is especially true...

Famous men in makeup

More and more men today are not shy about being fashionable, styling their hair, whitening their teeth, plucking their eyebrows, or even wearing makeup. It's no surprise that with modern society's...

3 Secret ways to look chic without spending a fortune

What does a woman really want? ‘Eating without worrying about getting fat’ could be the first answer, but what’s next? Well, ‘setting a style statement without breaking the bank’ would definitely be the second....

The Big 3 Fashion Mistakes Women Make When it Comes to Their Man

Quite a few women enjoy dressing up when they are out and about town, either with close friends or on their own. Often, a woman loves to go out with their beau who may...

How To Choose Your Custom Team Apparel: 5 Guiding Tips

Maybe you’re a cheerleader, maybe you’re a dancer, either way, team apparel is a key part of the quality of your performance. Even better, custom team apparel helps you take it to a completely...

75+ Ideas for a Medusa Piercing {with Healing and Care Instructions}

Who would have thought medusa piercing would be this popular considering how piercings were perceived in times past? Once upon a time, piercings were seen as a sign of how rich a woman’s husband...

Do Women Prefer Men in Casual or Business Wear?

The minefield of what to wear when meeting a lady friend is littered with casualties, from the guy with legs that resembled hairy pipe-cleaners who wanted to wear a kilt to a Highlands wedding,...

8 Wedding Hairstyles That Wow

Are you looking for a beautiful, on-trend hairstyle for your wedding day? Well, we're here to help. Ditch the casual hair and choose among these eight bridal hairstyles that will make you look stunning...

Snow Photo Shoots

While I was browsing the Internet and looking for some tips and ideas for the perfect Snow Boarding in Europe I happened to come across some stunning snowy photos. They are all set in...

Vampire Inspired Cosmetics

Fashion houses and cosmetics companies all over the planet are cashing in on this look at the moment. Piggy backing on the success of the Twilight series of Films, True Blood and of course...