
The Most Romantic & High Tech Marriage Proposals Ever Made!

Have you pictured the day that someone proposes to you? Or do you have the constant fear and sweaty brow of how you should propose to your loved one? I personally always pictured it...

Online Dating: A Guide For Singles

Attitude toward Internet dating is quite ambiguous. Some people think it’s a waste of time while others marry soulmates they met online. However, one thing goes without saying: the popularity of dating platforms is...

5 Things You Should Never Say to Your Man

I'm struggling with the intro to this article because I have this sinking feeling that people are going to think I'm being unfair to women. I'm not. First of all, I'm a woman -...

The Growing Trend of Polyamory & Why It Is Serious

We have to be more vocal about polyamory to make sure people do not have misconceptions. Polyamorous relationships can be loving, intimate, and intentional simultaneously. It is an open relationship or a non-monogamous one...

The Truth About The Friend Zone

As a relationship coach, I interact with and listen to other relationship coaches. Sometimes it's helpful for continuing education despite having twenty years myself in the relationship-coaching service, but other times it results in...

20 Ways to Show Your Partner You Love them

It is almost impossible to keep calm when you are in love with a person. All you want to do is climb the closest rooftop and shout the news of your love to the...

Top 7 Birthday Ideas for Your Boyfriend

Most guys are happy with any gift you give them, because it comes from you. But if you want to do something special for your boyfriend on his birthday, think about what he likes...

8 Rules for Communication In a Relationship (No. 5 is Important)

One of the most powerful tools and advantages human beings have is the ability to communicate information. Communication is the foundation of most successful relationships and outcomes. Many relationships have failed or ended because...

Rejoice Valentine’s Day with innovation!

Well it’s not just another day of your life; not just another 14th of a month… It’s a symbol which embodies LOVE, an opportunity to verbalize your heart and a reason to celebrate your...

Tips for a Stronger Bond in Your Relationship

Having a successful relationship is always a goal for every couple. A big part of having a strong relationship is maintaining a strong bonding with one another. This is all about developing a close...