The Growing Trend of Polyamory & Why It Is Serious

We have to be more vocal about polyamory to make sure people do not have misconceptions. Polyamorous relationships can be loving, intimate, and intentional simultaneously. It is an open relationship or a non-monogamous one that maintains certain guidelines.

Specifically, polyamory refers to individuals having multiple romantic associations at once. However, it is not an open relationship that includes multiple casual partners for sex. In some polyamorous relationships, partners are aware of others. Partners may even have friendships or relationships with one another.

Polyamory symbol is more common in Gen Z and millennials of our times. Albeit, the conventional monogamist culture misunderstands and stigmatizes the concept. Some people also believe that polyamory is one of the best ways of integrating sexual freedom, openness, commitment, and honesty. Others believe that polyamory is an existential danger to Western Civilization. People perceive polyamory as a threat to human society, love, relationship, marriage, family, reason, culture, gene pool, and the nation at large. But is it true?

The Revolution of Polyamory

Proponents have divided polyamory into different types:

  • Solo Polyamory: It includes individuals who do not have a primary relationship but date more than one person at a time. They are mostly independent and free birds in their own lives.
  • Polyfidelity: It refers to another group of more than three people having a committed bond with the other and they don’t date outside this group.
  • Hierarchical Polyamory: People belonging to this group have a primary partnership along with a secondary as well as a tertiary partnership, which received lesser attention and time. Here, the primary partner gets more power and attention.
  • Non-hierarchical Polyamory: This refers to people who do not maintain a hierarchy of having partners. It is a case of relationship anarchy or egalitarian polyamory. Each partner receives equal time as well as attention. They may even have equal inputs or suggestions on important decisions of life.

More and more people are perusing an open, polyamorous, or swinging relationship these days. With the increasing number of such relationships, it is important to become serious about cost analysis and understanding how polyamory benefits not just individuals but also families, nations, and cultures.

Sex-positive activists argue that the choice of sexual relationships depends on individuals. Yet, sexual boundaries tend to have positive and negative effects on children involved, communities, societies, civilizations, economies, and even on future generations.

The mating market matters. Even sexual ethics are important. Reproductive choices hold value. Families are foremost. That’s why the instincts evolved to poke into other’s sexual lives, which makes human sexuality the most controversial and debated domain of religion and human politics.

Polyamory Myths

Myth#1: Polyamory is nothing but cheating

Polyamorous relationships may be called the most honest and open relationships. Successful polyamory is based on honesty, communication, and integrity. It is not just about hiding facts and activities or being secretive with the romantic partner.

In many ways, polyamory is better than a relationship in which you cheat and lie. Most importantly, people involved in these relationships are open to cheating. However, according to the terms of the relationship, it may or may not be counted as cheating in a relationship. Examples include dating a partner and concealing it from another partner, this violating the boundaries set previously.

Myth#2: Polyamorists Avoid and Fear Commitment

Commitment in a polyamorous relationship often appears different than in a monogamous relationship. Couples cannot build conventional relationship milestones together such as engagement, cohabitation, or a marriage. Nonetheless, they are still in committed relationships, always there for one another. Some individuals also believe that this type of relationship requires more communication and commitment because of the dedication to an honest and open relationship.

Myth#3: Polyamory Lacks True Intimacy

Having multiple relationships can detract a person from intimacy. However, polyamorous people feel that being in an intimate relationship with more than one person can create more intimacy because of the vulnerabilities and required communication.

Myth#4: Polyamorous People are not jealous

Many polyamorous individuals are jealous. Nevertheless, they deal with it in a different way than monogamous people. They view jealousy as a form of insecurity or fear that they should work on and try to overcome instead of having a lingering problem.

Myth#5: Polyamorous People Want More Sex

Just like any other person who likes to have more sex, polyamorous people may also prefer to have lots of sex. However, they primarily focus on building a loving and intimate relationship. Romantic relationships always involve sex, even polyamorous ones.

Understanding Polyamory

Being polyamorous should be an individual choice. You may want to come out openly about it to your family and friends, but not before your acquaintances or coworkers. Analyze why you want to inform everyone before actually doing it.