
The girl’s guide to playing poker

Poker was once a male-dominated activity – but then again, so was playing soccer, driving cars and fighting fires. Times have changed, and as far as poker is concerned, the past 15-20 years have...

Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Divorce

Are you considering divorce? This is a difficult decision to make, and many people don't want to think about it until they have no other choice. If divorce is something you're considering, then five...

5 Ho-Ho-Hosting Hacks to Help You Survive The Holidays

Twas the night before the Christmas party, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except the party host: Still up, with bloodshot eyes, frantically pulling together any and all last-minute touches...

7 Smart Ways to Save Money in Today’s World

Anyone can save money with appropriate preparation and dedication. To safeguard your financial future, don't wait until you hit particular milestones like your next raise to start saving. Use these money-saving tactics every day...

7 Things to Do After A Bike Accident 

Before you can even get off the ground after an unavoidable bike collision, ensure you don't have any severe injuries. Move swiftly to a safe location away from traffic or out of the path...

Why Every Day Should Be Womans Day

The celebration of International Working Women’s Day, which was its original name, after the celebration was not recognised or very popular. In 1891, Clara Zetkin encouraged other women of the company she was employed...

What Do I Do If I’m Hurt in an Auto Accident? Everything You Need...

We spend a lot of time in our vehicles. We head to work, run errands, drive on over to social events. We spend so much time in our cars that we often think about...

2017 New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Lovers

In 2017, you will embark on a new mission to improve your quality of life. But why go at it alone when you can bring along a buddy? Fortunately, you’re not late in making some...

Is My Personal Injury Serious Enough To Bring A Lawsuit?

Severe accidents take place around the world that have proven to be highly harmful and life-threatening. These accidents can take place for many reasons, such as slips and all, construction accidents, car accidents, or...

Helping Veterans Adjust To Life After Service

Veterans sacrifice the best years of their life to defend America, yet, many don’t experience the peace and rest that they deserve upon returning to the USA. A recent article by KJazz 91.5 outlines...