Five Of The Biggest Health Concerns For Women

Many women spend most of their time caring for others, including children, husbands and parents. It is not unusual for these women to ignore their own health, while concerning themselves with the health of their children. Females are at risk of developing a variety of diseases and mental health disorders. In order to reduce these risks, women must take care of themselves, eat healthy and exercise regularly. Below, you will discover a list of five health concerns for women of all ages.

Breast Cancer

An estimated 266,120 new cases of “invasive” breast cancer is expected in 2018 in the United States. This does not even include the 63,060 new cases of “noninvasive” breast cancer expected the same year. When malignant or cancer cells invade the tissues of the breast, it means a diagnoses of breast cancer.

There are many factors of breast cancer, including previous surgery or injury of the fat necrosis, cysts, mammary duct ectasia, dermal (skin) or vascular (blood vessel) calcification, mastitis and previous radiation therapy for cancer.

Autoimmune Diseases

According to the National Jewish Health, females account for 80 percent of the people who have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases. An immune cell, “age-associated B-cell”, is what makes women more prone to autoimmune diseases than men.

Autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, develop when the immune system begins attacking and damaging its own tissues. Women who are stressed-out are at a higher risk of autoimmune diseases than women who handle their stress in a healthy manner.


It is possible for pretty much anyone and everyone to suffer from depression. However, you also need to understand the depression is going to impact women far more often than men. There are many risk factors involved. If you’ve suffering martial problems or chronic illness, your risk of developing depression is also going to increase significantly. If you’re been in an accident and developed a brain injury, you are also going to be more likely to experience depression. Brain injury lawyers can help you obtain compensation. You should also find a counselor. Speak with them about your problems.


Osteoporosis was very common in the past. However, it has been quelled to some degree in recent years. Now, it is possible for women to take steps to decrease their risks of developing this problem. It is estimated that 44 million Americans are threatened by this condition. 68% of them are women, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. It is preventable, but it is still going to impact some women. Be sure to speak with your doctor and make sure that you obtain a sufficient amount of calcium. This can help.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is equally problematic for women and men. In fact, it is responsible for approximately 29% of deaths. For women, the biggest problems associated with heart disease are disability and premature death. There are many women who die due to heart disease and it is common for them to die in their 60s. This is a time when they do not expect to die. The thought of permanent disability is just as frightening. Risk factors include diabetes, smoking, increasing age, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.