There are a lot of details to consider when you embark upon a new business venture; things like licenses and permits, location, start-up expenses, marketing strategies and much more. One of the tasks on your business start -up checklist will be setting up your business phone lines. Whether you are starting up a new business or you have an established company that is struggling to find ways to increase profits, there are numerous benefits to having 0800 numbers for your business.
Attract More Customers
Everybody loves a freebie. The word “free” itself is incredibly attractive and almost magnetically gains attention from people who may otherwise not even have noticed an advertisement. Tell someone he can have something for free and you have his attention. So it stands to reason that a free phone call is much more appealing than one for which your customer has to pay the toll. More customers will want to call you if they can call you for free.
Outpace the Competition
If you have a free phone number, and your competitor has a number that incurs a charge, then your number is the one that the potential customer will be more attracted to dial. Even if yours is just a small company and you think that it isn’t necessary to add an 0800 number to your phone service, keep in mind that sometimes it is only one small benefit that attracts a customer to choose one company ahead of its competitor company. Something as simple as saving a few pennies on a phone call can actually swing the decision in your favor.
Expand Your Territory
The concept of having a free phone number makes it much more likely for you to gain a greater geographical coverage for your company’s sales area. You can advertise your services to a larger audience than just your local vicinity and let other communities know about your business. For instance, if you were to place an advertisement in the newspaper for a neighboring city that lists a free phone number, you have a marvelous chance that you’ll start to get calls from customers who come from much farther away than your local customer base. You can go from being your local neighborhood store to becoming a regional or even a nationally known business with a free phone number listing.
Develop a New Sales Venue
If your business isn’t yet taking orders by telephone, this is a fabulous opportunity to create a whole new sales venue for your company. Setting up a free phone number affords the opportunity of making phone sales. Mail orders are often a fantastic yet untapped resource for many businesses that heretofore have only sold their products in store. Having a free phone number makes it convenient to call you and buy your products without the customer ever having to leave home. They can make payment to you over the phone with a credit card or you can include an invoice with the shipment, and then the customer only needs await the post.
Multi-Task your Marketing Operations
You can use more than one 0800 number to differentiate between various marketing campaigns and manage them all from a single call monitor. You can even run more than one company from the same command center with different free phone numbers; just take notice of which phone line is lit and answer the call with the proper company greeting.
You Move and Your Number Moves with You
It is quite simple to maintain your free phone number wherever you go. If you move your business location to a new site, you can take your 0800 number with you to the new offices. And if you are a professional who stays on the go, you can easily have your free phone number calls forwarded to your mobile phone or to your answering service so you never miss a call.
The purpose of any business is to turn a profit, and the utilization of free phone numbers is geared specifically towards increasing your sales. Attracting more customers gives you more opportunities to sell them your products and services. You’ll be getting a lot more phone calls than you would if those same people had to pay the piper for the call itself. You’ll portray a professional image, organize your different marketing campaigns and business ventures, and keep in touch with your expanded client base, all of which will result in your business being able to increase sales.