Do you ever look out of the window and wish your garden were nicer? You’re not alone. Yet, while most of us would like to have a better outdoor space there are many things that hold us back and stop us from actually going ahead and creating the garden we wish we could gaze upon. It’s normally either one of the ‘three Cs’ – cost, complexity or capacity – that makes us stop and think it’s not a task worth taking on. But is it really as bad as we all fear? Well, dig deeper and you’ll see that your dream garden might not be such a distant ambition…
It’s cheaper than you think…
Before you start out, you might be forgiven for thinking that your dream garden might involve raiding your entire savings. But, there are plenty of cost effective ways of getting the items that you want.
Many of us have older pieces of furniture that are destined for the dumpster but, with a bit of creativity could be reborn as the very items you need for decking or patio.
The right items will – as this article demonstrates – not only save you money but also deliver other benefits – giving you the chance to customise and create the one thing that is just right for you or offer the opportunity to repurpose quality materials.
You can even ‘upcycle’ all sorts of household items to make garden planters. This not only saves you some dollars but it also allows you to make quirky, fun features that will be perfect for your dream garden.
It’s quicker than you think…
Worried it would take ages to transform your outdoor space into anything resembling a dream garden? It really doesn’t have to. In fact, one or two big bold moves can do most of the legwork for you.
Don’t believe us? Consider a moment the space outside. Now consider how it would look with a pool deck such as this from System Pavers. Once you’ve got that installed the rest of the job is a piece of cake. A flash of inspiration and one showpiece job might be all you really need.
Shut your eyes and picture your dream garden. What’s the one thing that stand out most? Focus on getting that done.
It needs less space than you realize…
There’s probably some of you thinking ‘ah, but my space is too small’. Having a limited space doesn’t mean you have to abandon your dreams, it just means that you have to be more creative and find ways to use every inch of garden that you have.
Think about vertical gardens that allow you to grow the plants you want or mirrored walls to create the illusion of a larger space.
Also, prioritize. A smaller space might just mean that you can’t do everything but it certainly doesn’t stop you from doing something.
So there you go. You might think your dream garden is a difficult ambition to achieve but the price, effort and space needed are all less than you think. Roll those sleeves up and get stuck in in 2017…