Ah, it’s that time of the year again. The sun is shining and all memories of the winter are long banished. The birds are singing, butterflies are fluttering, daffodils are blooming and fruit blossom decks the trees. Yes, truly spring is here and people everywhere have the wooing and courting bug in their hearts (and other places too but let’s not go there). For those lucky few who have found their Mr or Miss Right, this is one of the most popular times of the year to tie the knot. It’s not only just us common folk who may be approaching wedded bliss as the days prior disappear at an alarming rate, this May is also the time for Royal holy wedded matrimony. Have you been to a wedding recently? As a bloke I’m expected to forget important nuances of such events but I never forget to buy the couple a gift. I wonder what the Royal Wedding gifts will be.
Yes, even the most news-averse people can’t fail to have noticed that the 29th is when Prince William and Kate Middleton get hitched. The bride typically changes her surname to that of her new hubby’s but, for the time being at least, Kate will only be called Princess William. Odd that.
Such a happy occasion will be remembered by some of the best and well executed photographs. We all know that sometimes photographs don’t turn out so well; over-exposed, underexposed, heads chopped off, people blinking and so on. These are just accidents but sometimes your subjects can deliberately play up or some helpful person just happens to wander into shot – the ‘photobomb’. Other pics are just fated to fail.
Sitting around is just so darn boring! What are those grown-ups doing over there? And when’s playtime? Is there going to be some food soon? I’m starving.
You May Kiss the Bride
Embarrassingly I’ve got a photo like this too.
Vows by the Sea
It was going great until this dude turned up. Hope he’s not the father of the bride.
The Wedding Car Shot
Is it just me or is that David Tennant being insulted by Christopher Ecclestone? Well at least the bride is more attractive than Billie Piper.
Tropical Beach Ceremony
Don’t worry, this’ll look great as a cropped portrait photo. You’d never know he was there.
Happy Couple Portrait
For those of you who have just tuned in, this is not Russell T Davies or that Go Compare ad. Remember, people, the ‘crop’ tool is a lifesaver.
Cutting the Cake
Or your new wife’s throat? Next photo please!
Letting our Love Fly like Doves
Well this must have sounded like a good idea. And, to give them credit, it was. When it came to the shot’s execution however – they had one chance to get it right… You don’t need me to point out it failed big time. Both look like they have issues and the groom appears to be the Stiffmeister.
I may not know too much about the art of reading body language but I think you’d agree with me that the couple should at least be just a weeny bit closer together to show their mutual adoration? Still the wedding might last for oooh… months.
Cutting the Cake
Oh. My. God. Surely this was some mistake?! What did the couple request when they were arranging the cake? Never mind, pass me the nose.
It’s the bride’s ‘Big Day’. All eyes are on her. Well they certainly will be if she dresses like these two ladies.
Guys! Stop looking at my Wife!
Please guys! Stop Looking at my Wife!
In this day and age it is more acceptable to get married while pregnant. The trick is not to be too blatant. Right, vicar?
I Think I Got away with it
And finally…
It’s the group shots with the bride and bridesmaids. What could go wrong?
She’s not a bit of a Mare
Did this horse know it has the photobomb gene? Smile everybody!
There’s an unwritten rule about not being upstaged by your bridesmaids…
Who Will Catch the Bride’s Bouquet?
Let me guess. Now don’t tell me…
Guest blogger, Greg Coltman, enjoys a good wedding as much as the next man and will happily write about the joys of married life.