Like men, women also need to get the right amount of vitamins in their bodies. And one of the most important vitamins women should never deprive their body of is Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that naturally comes with certain foods. It comes in two main forms, namely, Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3.
The main difference between the two is the source. Unfortunately, a lot of people lack Vitamin D in their bodies.
But for now, let’s zoom in on Vitamin D3. And if you are wondering what are the Vitamin D3 benefits for women, we invite you to continue reading below.
Check out our guide on the importance of Vitamin D3 for women, where to get it, and the right amount you need.
A Healthy Heart
One of the key Vitamin D3 benefits for women that you will love is it improves your heart health. Several studies point to the benefits of Vitamin D3 in reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Moreover, some studies hail Vitamin D3’s ability to reduce the chances of women from (and men) suffering stroke and heart failure.
Furthermore, Vitamin D3 can help lower your blood pressure. The vitamin reduces renin concentration in the body. Renin is an enzyme produced by the kidneys, which can harm the blood vessels.
Fights Off the “Big C”
Another huge health benefit of Vitamin D3 is it helps prevent cancer. About 12% of women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer.
That is 1 out of every 8 women. And we’re not even talking about the other forms of cancer that may affect women.
But with enough Vitamin D3 in the body, you can lower the progression of tumors. Moreover, you can lower the development of polyps if you combine Vitamin D3 with high-fiber intake.
And if you combine Vitamin D with calcium, you can reduce the risk of developing cancer by 60%. This applies to postmenopausal women.
Boosts Your Mood
Vitamin D3 can also help improve your mood. This is crucial especially if you’re going through bouts of anxiety and depression.
There are studies where doctors gave Vitamin D supplements to patients with depression. After the observation period, the patients saw a noticeable improvement in their symptoms.
Also, people with seasonal affective disorder received a boost in their general mood after exposure from the sun. Aside from food, the sun is also a natural source for Vitamin D.
Vitamin D3 helps produce neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters work by regulating your mood.
Increases Bone Strength
Vitamin D3 also helps regulate your ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus. These are two key compounds that keep your entire skeletal system strong.
They also contribute to the health of your teeth.
As women age, their ability to absorb nutrients goes down significantly. Hence, they need to increase their calcium intake. However, without enough Vitamin D in their bodies, they cannot enjoy the full absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
If you perform an analysis of your bone mineral density and the diagnosis is low, then your doctor will likely advise that you increase your Vitamin D intake.
Take note that your Vitamin D supplements will not automatically prevent fractures if you fall. But without enough Vitamin D, your bones will become thin and brittle faster than they should.
Ups Your Immune System
Apart from keeping cancer and heart disease at bay, Vitamin D3 also boosts your immune system. Your immune system is your primary defense against infections and illnesses.
As a reparative vitamin, Vitamin D directly interacts with the cells that fight off illnesses. People with Vitamin D3 deficiency tend to acquire colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis easily.
The same thing goes with the common flu.
Women who expose themselves to a lot of people need ample amounts of Vitamin D3 in their bodies. The more people you meet, the higher the risk of contracting viruses from other people.
And in this time of a pandemic, emerging studies point to the efficacy of Vitamin D in fighting COVID-19.
A Healthier Gut
Do you often experience irritable bowel syndrome? Or perhaps you feel tummy discomfort quite often? It can be a sign that you lack Vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 can help soothe women’s stomachs by modulating the gut’s inflammatory processes. People with low Vitamin D3 are more susceptible to digestive inflammation.
Furthermore, women are more likely to experience bloating and constipation than men. This can either be due to hormonal changes especially when reaching menopause. Or it can also be because of bad bacteria inside the gut.
Regardless of the reason, Vitamin D3 can help bring relief.
Helps Manage Diabetes
Vitamin D3 can also help diabetic women manage their illness. This also applies to pregnant women who are going through gestational diabetes.
Certain studies say that Vitamin D can aid in regulating the body’s insulin levels. It can help balance your blood sugar and keep your pancreas healthy.
Helps You Lose Weight
And if you’re struggling to lose weight, having the right amount of Vitamin D3 can help you shed those extra pounds. Try to pair your Vitamin D supplement with a calcium supplement. This combination can serve as an appetite suppressant.
Also, there is a correlation between insufficient Vitamin D and obesity. Women with a body mass index above 30 have lower Vitamin D levels. This is because the fat in the body keeps the Vitamin D from circulating in the blood.
Thus, it is important to eat Vitamin D-rich foods like tuna while getting 10 to 20 minutes of sunlight every day.
What Makes It Different?
To better appreciate Vitamin D, you must also understand how it differs from other nutrients. First of all, not all vitamins and minerals offer the same function. Each one operates in your body differently from others in one or many ways.
As for Vitamin D, experts say that it works similar to a hormone than a vitamin does. As a result, Vitamin D acts as a messenger. This means it affects how your body ticks from the way your organs function to the way you lose or gain weight.
And as we mentioned earlier, the chief difference between Vitamin D3 and D2 are the sources. You get Vitamin D3 by eating oily fish, butter, egg yolk, and dietary supplements.
But more than that, you can also get Vitamin from within your body. This happens when your body creates Vitamin D after getting sunlight exposure. In this process, the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation triggers the skin to form Vitamin D3.
The UVB connects with the skin’s 7-dehydrocholesterol compound to manufacture Vitamin D3.
But how do you ensure you’re getting the right amount of sunlight? If you always go outdoors without sunscreen and light covering, you are likely to get all the Vitamin D that you need.
However, the color of your skin also plays a factor in the way you absorb UVB. People who have darker skin pigmentation tend to have Vitamin D deficiency.
Hence, they need to spend more time out in the sunlight.
Vitamin D Deficiency
What exactly happens when your body lacks Vitamin D3? And how can you determine if you have Vitamin D deficiency? A blood test can determine if your body lacks Vitamin D.
Also, people who have symptoms like bone softness, bone weakness, and fractures may require a Vitamin D test. If the test results come out to be positive, it likely means you are not getting enough sunlight exposure.
It may also mean that you are not eating enough food rich in Vitamin D. In serious cases, your body may not be absorbing enough Vitamin D.
Thankfully, you can treat Vitamin D deficiency. Your doctor will likely give you supplements and give you advice to change your diet and lifestyle.
Best Sources for Vitamin D3
As we mentioned earlier, sunlight is one of the finest sources for Vitamin D3. And best of all, it will not cost you a single cent to get the UVB.
There are also the Vitamin D supplements that you can take. Some even come in the form of gummies. Not only do they taste good, but they’re also good for perfect hair and nails.
When it comes to your diet, increase your intake of fatty fish. These are your tuna fish, sardines, and cod liver oil. If your budget is tight, canned tuna is a good alternative.
Also, it is wise to drink a glass of fortified milk a day. And if you’re not a milk drinker, you can go for an 8-ounce glass of fortified orange juice.
You can also add to your diet some beef liver, as well as egg yolks.
Enjoy the Vitamin D3 Benefits for Women Now!
By understanding the different Vitamin D3 benefits for women, you can tweak your diet and improve your lifestyle to get the most Vitamin D as possible.
However, Vitamin D is not the only nutrient your body needs. Increase your knowledge of women’s health by checking our other articles.
We discuss topics that will help you become a healthier and happier woman, inside and out!