Top Summer Holiday Packing Tips

The summer holiday season is nearly upon us, so now is a good time to go out and start putting together your vacation outfits. Most stores are just starting to stock their summer range. Therefore, if you go shopping now you will get more choice than you would if you leave it for a month or two when many of the best items will have sold out.

Shop for outfits

When you go shopping try to buy entire outfits rather than individual items of clothing. This is the best way to make sure that everything you buy works together. As much as possible, you want to pack clothes that can be mixed and matched with other items.

Pack light

Taking this approach gives you plenty of options and will help to cut down on the weight of your suitcase. If you get it right you should be able to fit everything into a piece of cabin luggage, which will give you more spending money.

Create an activity based packing list

Think about what you will be doing while you are away, and buy clothes that are appropriate for each activity. While you are doing this create a packing list, that way you can be sure that you will not accidentally leave any important items of clothing behind.

Crease free packing tips

When packing clothes for your holiday you need to do your best to make sure that they do not get creased in the case. The best way to do this is to fold up heavier items like jeans to fit the base of your suitcase, and pack them first.

You can then fold items like tops, t-shirts, shorts and skirts in half along their length, then roll them up. These can then be neatly stacked on top of the heavy items. Provided you pack in this way, you should find that your clothes have very few creases when you take them out of the case.

Non clothing essential

It is always wise to take some pain medication, indigestion cures and bite treatment products with you. Packing these items will save you from having to buy them at your destination.

Often, in popular travel destinations these items are expensive. Not to mention the fact they are not always widely available. Most supermarkets sell generic versions of these medicines, which are very cheap, so they are a good place to buy what you need. Supermarket branded sun cream is also very good, and reasonably priced.


These days most of us rely heavily on our smartphones, and other electronics. So, don’t forget to pack your charger, and if you are travelling abroad an adapter.

It is also worth pre-loading your phone with a good map app that includes in-depth maps of the area you are staying. You could also add a translation app to your phone to help you to communicate effectively while you are away. Try to make sure that both of these apps are capable of working while you are offline. That way you should not end up with a big mobile data bill.